I aced it!

As many of you who read this blog regularly are aware, I’m taking online college courses toward a degree as Health Fitness Specialist. This is the end of the third week of class.

For the general nutrition class, I’ve had a problem. My book didn’t arrive until this Tuesday afternoon. Luckily, we haven’t needed it for the homework and she has good Power Point lesson notes available. However, there was a test due tonight covering the first 3 chapters in the book. That gave me 4 1/2 days to study 3 weeks worth of material. Yikes!

The instructor said I could re-take the test if I did poorly since I didn’t have much time with the book.  I’ve been stressing about it all week. I took the test this afternoon. It was rather hard in places.  When I got the grade back… I got all 50 questions right! I won’t need to re-take it after all.

Yes. As long as their are tests, there will be prayer in (home)school.